Tuesday, October 20, 2020

one month in

It's been a month of "no buy" outside the rules listed. We've been incredibly resourceful and haven't spent on anything that wasn't on the list. But I still couldn't pay the cc off this month. The timing of the paychecks has been really wonky. He gets paid 3 times between now and thenext billing cycle, and I think that will get us back to normal. As long as we keep with no spend. 

We have medical bills that are almost paid off. 2 more payments on Ben's birth. One more bill on Derek's vasectomy. Then we should have $150 more coming into our account each paycheck. That $300 a month has hurt. 

What have we bought in the past month:
- groceries
- booze
- chinese take out- $60
- $20 at the circus show
- flour
- $60 for feed, garlic, dirt, and compost
- diapers
- socks
- $9 at Moulton's
- $36 for an emergency pizza night (note to self- pizza is stupid expensive)
- $75 was charged in interest because of the timing of paychecks versus payment due. I *did* pay off the credit card last month, just 2 days late. 

This isn't bad in the grand scheme of things. We aren't in a fantastic financial position, but this has been only one month. If we can be creative with gifts and Amazon points, I do really think we can come out of Christmas without needing 3 months to pay off the card. 🤞

Friday, October 2, 2020

our curtain rod broke

I was so frustrated. So over it. I was ready to just drop $2k and redo the whole damn bedroom and be done with it. I know what paint color I want. I know what curtains and bedframe I want. Done with the no spending challenge. Because I DESERVE it. 

Then I asked Derek about making some from a wooden dowel, how much it would cost, and how we would make brackets. Then he said brackets are easy and he has 1/2 iron pipe out the wazoo downstairs. A quick Google search, and I see the kind of bracket I like. We can make it. We have the materials.

One of our Green Family Values is Resourcefulness. We can do this. 

one month in

It's been a month of "no buy" outside the rules listed. We've been incredibly resourceful and haven't spent on anythin...